It is imperative to make your taxes known in the event that you own a business. Fortunately, there are many options for you to choose from. Intuit offers multiple service levels and downloadable options that offer an easy and user-friendly tax filing experience. These options can be costly, especially if they are used to submit multiple tax returns to different states.
TurboTax Business offers a wide array of features for businesses tax filing. It allows users to prepare federal and state tax returns, check for errors and omissions and receive a fast refund. It also helps users determine the tax liabilities of their business and identify deductible expenses. It has a database that contains more than 350 deductions and credits and uses this information to determine the best possible return for your business.
The software assists users to make quarterly estimated tax payments at the IRS. If you anticipate owing more than $1,000 in tax, this is usually required. Users can choose to make these payments using the Electronic Federal Tax this article Payment System, or they can mail them in using a 1040-ES form.
TurboTax Business is a great choice for small-scale business owners who need help with their tax returns. Its interface makes it simple to use, and the program is capable of handling many different deductions and credit. It is specifically designed for single-member LLCs as well as contractors who receive 1099-MISCs and W-2s. Additionally, the software aids users in filing business partnership and S corporate returns. It can also help calculate capital gains and losses from property sales and other investment transactions.